Kissat | Our Cats
GC Woodspirit’s Mambo of Preciousice
Tehy’s Geidion of Woodspirit x Validian Parlay of Woodspirit
Musta persialainen | Black Persian
Uros | Male
PKD & PRA-pd negative
Sukutaulu | pedigree
GC Preciousice O’Babe
CH Preciousice O’Bama x Preciousice Madonna
Musta persialainen | Black Persian
Naaras | Female
PKD & PRA-pd negative
sukutaulu | pedigree
GC Preciousice Wiggle Waggle
GC Goliada Kitkat of Tuitui x CH Preciousice Bada Bing Bada Boom
Sinikilpikonna persialainen | Blue-Cream Persian
Naaras | Female
PKD & PRA-pd negative
sukutaulu | pedigree
GC Preciousice Bada Bing Bada Boom
CH Yellicle’s Pure Poison of Preciousice x Tuitui Saga Boom of Preciousice
Sinikilpikonna persialainen | Blue-Cream Persian
Naaras | Female
PKD & PRA-pd negative
sukutaulu | pedigree